The Henson Journals

Sun 23 July 1911

Volume 17, Page 242


6th Sunday after Trinity, July 23rd, 1911.


Ella and I received the Holy Communion in the Cathedral at the early service. We attended the Garrison Church Parade at 10.30 p.m. Canon Moore preached.

In the afternoon I preached in the Crypt to the Huguenot congregation, which celebrated the 360th anniversary of the granting of its Charter by Edward VIth on July 24th 1550. There was a numerous assembly. The Mayor of Canterbury attended in state, & read the first lesson in French. The pastor, M. Barnabas, read the service in French – a French rendering of Evensong. I preached from I. Cor: I. 27. "God chose the weak things of the world to confound the things that are strong". The service in that place was very impressive. The Bp of Dover & Archdeacon Spooner were among my hearers.

In the evening I attended service in the Cathedral and heard an admirable sermon from the Dean.