The Henson Journals

Sun 5 March 1911 to Sat 11 March 1911

Volume 17, Pages 173 to 174


1stSunday in Lent, March 5th, 1911.

A fine, cold, bright, dangerous day. Knox celebrated at 8 a.m. There were but 25 comts.

At Mattins there was by no means an unusually large congregation although the Abbey was closed. The King's Scholars attended in their surplices. The Sub–Dean, Gow, Raynor & Westlake were also present. Gow read the lessons. I preached on 1. Cor. VI, 12: and also celebrated. There were 95 comts.

Ella and I went to Peterborough by the afternoon train, which brought me into the Cathedral after service had began [sic]. I preached an old sermon on "The unrest of the wicked." We stayed at the Deanery for the night.


On Monday, 6th March we were shown over Peterboro cathedral by the Dean: then I returned to Westminster, & Ella went to make a stay with Mrs Fortescue.

On Wednesday evening I gave an address in St Margt's on "The Great Bible".

On Thursday morning I travelled to Portsmouth, and there addressed the Free Church Council on "Christian Unity". I was very warmly received, the assembly rising up to its feet when I came to the desk.

Afterwards I returned to Westminster.

On Friday evening I went with Ella to a meeting at Mrs Caröe's House. Harold Cox expounded the principles of the Constitutional Assn.: & I made a short speech.

On Saturday, March 11th, the Psycho–therapic Committee met again. We had for witnesses a lady Doctor – Jane Walker – , & Sir Alfred Pearce Gould. Both gave very interesting testimony adverse to the Fanaticks.

Issues and controversies: psycho-therapeutic committee