The Henson Journals

Sun 1 January 1911 to Sat 7 January 1911

Volume 17, Pages 158 to 159


New Year's Day, Sunday after Christmas, January 1st, 1911.

'Shew Thou me the way that I should walk in: for I lift up my soul unto Thee.'

The day was gloomy and then wet, horribly depressing. I preached wearily in the Abbey, & celebrated the Holy Communion. There were 166 comts, including Raleigh, Ella & Carissima.

Gamble preached in the afternoon, a good sermon. S. Margaret's was crowded at Evensong. I preached again the sermon which I wrote last year for New Year's Day in the Abbey. After the Benediction we sang four carols, & the 'Old Hundredth.'

Clarence, Gilbert, & Reggie were the only guests at supper.



On Monday, Jany 2nd 1911, the Abbey Choirboys came here for their annual party. After tea I deserted them and joined the Brotherhood at the Master's House in the Temple. We were but five in number. Morrison announced his resignation in rather cryptic terms.

On Tuesday, Jany 3rd 1911, there was a service in S. Margaret's in connection with the Funeral at Edinburgh of S.H. Butcher, one of the Burgesses of the University. The Archdeacon read the Lesson, I read the Prayers, the Sub–Dean gave the Blessing. Gow & the Master of the Temple also attended.

On Friday, Jany 6th 1911, the choirboys of S. Margts came here for their annual party.

On Saturday Jany 7th I called on old Mrs Tennant.

The extraordinary episode in the City last Tuesday when an immense force of police reinforced by soldiers & in presence of the Home Secretary succeeded after many hours in burning to death two supposed Anarchists, whom it was of the utmost importance to capture alive, causes much comment, mainly satirical.