The Henson Journals

Sat 6 August 1910

Volume 17, Page 102


Saturday, August 6th, 1910.

The post brought me some letters, including one from Harold conceived in a penitent mood: and one from Dr Bovey announcing the sudden death of Mrs Fleet. I wrote to Harold, & also to Mr Fleet.

Then we walked over the plain: on the road we met some khaki–clad troops, & took three photographs of them.

After tea our host went a–fishing, & our hostess drove us to Old Sarum, which lies about 3 miles from Salisbury, & makes an impressive spectacle against the sky. It consists of an outer rampart running round the whole extent of the fortress; then a dry moat; then another rampart environing the city proper; & within a Norman castle, which is now being excavated. A good deal of the masonry has been uncovered, & the ground plan is being made out. Two dungeons give an ugly impression of feudal possibilities. I took some photographs. The whole place is richly vested in grass, bushes, & some trees. We saw it to great advantage bathed in the sunlight of a beautiful summer evening. The country was lovely as we drove back to Milston, which we reached about 8 p.m.