The Henson Journals

Sun 8 May 1910 to Fri 13 May 1910

Volume 17, Pages 72 to 73


Sunday after Ascension, May 8th, 1910.

A bright morning but a cold wind. I celebrated at 8 a.m. in St Margaret's; there were 18 comts.

There was a very crowded church at 11 a.m.: but the most part of my regular hearers, mistakenly assuming my absence, were not present. The collection was less than last Sunday. I preached from two texts, I. Chron. 29.15 and I. Cor. 15.58. After the Benediction the 'Dead March' was played. The Anthem was 'Crossing the bar'. Lord Wolmer's Banns were read for the first time.

At Evensong the crowd was immense. I allowed six men to occupy the sedilia; and allowed the step of the Commn rail to be used as a seat: benches & chairs were placed in the Chancel: indeed, I think, no more people could have been brought into the Church. Addis preached. We played the 'Dead March' after service. The Offertory just exceeded £10.


The Prayer–book Revision Committee met at the Church House on Wednesday, Thursday, & Friday (May 11–13). Canon Dalton of Windsor produced an immense list of amendments, which mostly failed to commend themselves. Canon Keymer and Archdeacon Taylor of Southwark – two other new members – indicated that they would be serviceable members. The new secretary, Archdeacon Robinson, is immensely more competent than Ingram. But, when all is said, progress is horribly slow.

Dr Llwyd, whom we met at Seattle last year, came to visit us on Thursday, the 12th May. He is now Vice–Provost of Trinity College, Toronto, and is over here on the quest of an endowment for the college.

The annual vestry was held on Thursday, the 12th of May. I nominated Sir Henry Craik, and the parishioners re–elected Fedarb as wardens. The sidesmen were re–elected with the addition of Cyril Mills. On Fedarb's motion the two old chairs in the inner vestry, which I assume to be disjecta membra of the Speaker's seat in the gallery, were presented to me.