The Henson Journals

Sun 9 January 1910 to Fri 14 January 1910

Volume 17, Pages 36 to 38


1st Sunday after the Epiphany, January 9th, 1910.

I celebrated the Holy Communion in S. Margaret's at 8 a.m. There were 15 comts.

At Mattins I preached in Christ Church, Mayfair, for Eric Farrar, who has not yet recovered from his accident. Bad acoustics & much coughing.

Dr Mitford Mitchell & Dicey came to lunch.

I preached in the Abbey at the afternoon service, taking Gamaliel's words to the Sanhedrin as my text, and applying it to the General Election, which will begin next Saturday.

At Evensong in S. Margaret's there was a large congregation. There was no organ as Custard is away on holiday, and Smart is down with influenza. I preached for the third time today. The congregation sang the hymns & chants with great fervour. After the Benediction we sang four carols.

Anthony Brown & Mary Scott were our only visitors at supper.


On Monday, the 10th of Jany, I went to Bristol, and gave an address to a large assembly of Methodists on the occasion of the "District Rally" of the Wesley Guild. Bisseter of the Leysian Mission was the other speaker. I was entertained by one of the local members, Sir Wm Howell Davies, a Radical. He & all his family were absorbed in the political contest. They tell me that Tariff Reform has been making converts in Bristol.

On Tuesday, the 11th, I returned to Westminster, and almost immediately went to S. Margaret's, and baptized the infant son of Mr Cooper (22 Buckingham Gate S.W.)

Harry Davis & his sister arrived here on Monday night for a short visit. He has been offered a Professorship at Harvard.

On Wednesday, the 12th we gave a dinner–party followed by a small reception.

On Thursday, the 13th, the 'Westminster Gazette' announced the appointment of Dr Pollock, Headmaster of Wellington, to the Bishoprick of Norwich.

On Friday, the 14th Ella went off to Italy with Edith Bruce.


1. Truro Stubbs for Gott
2. Newcastle Straton for Lloyd
3. Chichester Ridgway 68 for Wilberforce
4. York. Lang 44 for Maclagan
5. Norwich Pollock 46 for Sheepshanks
6. Lincoln Hicks 67 for King
7. Winchester Talbot 66 for Ryle
8. Southwark Burge 49 for Talbot
9. Oxford Gore 58 for Paget
10. Salisbury Ridgeway 63 for Wordsworth


1. Deanery of Norwich Russell Wakefield [ Lefroy]
2. " " Worcester Moore Ede [ Forrest]
3. " " Peterborough Arnold Page [ Barlow]
4. " " Lichfield Savage [ Luckock]
5. " " Lincoln Fry [ Wickham]
6. " " Wells Armitage Robinson [ Jex–Blake]
7. " " Westminster Bishop Ryle [ Robinson]
8. " " St. Paul's Inge [ Gregory]
9. " " Norwich Beeching [ Russell–Wakefield]


Regius Professor of Divinity at Oxford Scott–Holland [ Ince]
Canon of St Paul's Simpson [ Scott–Holland]
Canon of Manchester Green
Canon of Durham Bp. Tucker
Canon of Westminster Bp. Boyd Carpenter
Canon of Westminster Pearce