The Henson Journals

Sun 5 December 1909

Volume 17, Pages 23 to 24


2nd Sunday in Advent, December 1st [5th], 1909.

Very cold but fine. Today I enter on the 10th year of my ministry in S. Margaret's. May the all merciful God forgive the sins and blunders which have marred it!

At 8 a.m. Knox celebrated. There were 21 cts. At Mattins there was a fairly large congregation. I preached on the Functions & Authority of the Bible. In the course of the sermon I recommended Principal Forsyth's new book, 'The Person and Place of Jesus Christ'. After Mattins I celebrated the Holy Communion: there were 93 comts.

Wilfrid Hill came to tea: he is a very quaint boy. At Evensong there was but a moderate congregation. I preached from Isaiah XI, and made a reference to the Yellowstone Park in my sermon.


Confirmation Candidates

[symbol] Lionel Walter Box born March 27th 1895
Sydney Philip Duce " Nov: 28th 1893
Asher James Charles Ward, born July 22nd 1895
Cyril Norman Mills " Nov. 25. 1893
[symbol] Clement Henry " Sept. 19. 1893
[symbol] [symbol] Reginald Percival Woodyear " Sept. 2nd 1896
[symbol] [symbol] John Ellis McKibbin " Oct. 27th 1896
Harold Frederic Doyle " Feb 16th 1894
Edwin John Doyle " May 17th 1985
Frederic William Armstrong " May 9th 1895
Thomas James Sharp " Dec 9 1893
Noel George Master " Jan 27 1896