The Henson Journals

Sun 21 November 1909 to Thu 25 November 1909

Volume 17, Pages 19 to 20


Sunday next before Advent, November 21st, 1909.


I celebrated in S. Margaret's. There were 24 commts. At Mattins, I attended service in the Abbey: where an effective appeal for the "Missions to Seamen" was made by the superintendent, Wilson.

There was a large congregation in the Abbey at 3.p.m. I preached from Hebrews XIII.8. "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, yea & forever". The sermon was a hostile criticism of the "New Theology", and particularly of Campbell's article in the Hibbert Journal Supplement. I sent the MS. to the "Christian World Pulpit", with a note to the Editor asking him to insert it if possible in the next issue of his paper.

I went to St Margaret's at 7 p.m. There was but a moderate congregation, for the Bishop of Durham was preaching in the Abbey, & drew away some of the people. Hine–Haycock preached excellently. It was his last sermon as one of my staff.

At supper were Knox, Mrs Knox, & Miss Knox: Hine–Haycock, Harold & Elsie, Linetta, Mary, Christian, Gilbert, & Reggie.


On Monday, November 22nd 1909, I went across to the House of Lords, and observed from the Strangers' Gallery the opening of the debate on the Budget. It was a fine spectacle. Lord Lansdowne was evidently distressed by a bad cold, and possibly weighted by a bad (political) conscience, for he is certainly carrying the country into a constitutional conflict of which no man can foresee the end. The Lord Chancellor spoke well & impressively: Lord Halsbury played the buffoon with amazing esprit & vigour, considering that he verges towards 90. He was followed by the Bishop of Bristol, who made one blush for one's cloth.

On Tuesday, Nov: 23rd 1909, Hine–Haycock was installed as Precentor at Mattins.

On Wednesday, Nov: 24th 1909, the Church Missionary Society came to S. Margaret's for Holy Communion at 10 a.m. There were, however, but 87 communicants, & £5 in the Offertory, which was given to the Society.

On Thursday, Nov. 25th, I went to Plumstead, and addressed a large assembly in the Wesleyan Mission Hall, in connection with the 4th anniversary of their Mission.