The Henson Journals

Wed 20 October 1909

Volume 17, Page 8


Wednesday, October 20th, 1909.

I wrote to Dr Robertson Nicoll offering Messrs Hodder & Stoughton a History of Episcopacy in England, being thereto induced by the announcement of Gore's book "Orders & Union".

We gave a dinner party in honour of the 7th anniversary of our wedding. The guests were:

  1. The Warden
  2. Raleigh
  3. Pember
  4. Reichel
  5. Liddell
  6. Gwyer
  7. Baker–Wilbraham
  8. Harry Davis
  9. Miss Markham
  10. Linetta
  11. Miss Hill
  12. Mrs Pember
  13. Mrs Liddell
  14. Mrs Gwyer
  15. Mrs Baker Wilbraham.