The Henson Journals

Thu 14 October 1909

Volume 17, Page 3


Thursday, October 14th, 1909.


I travelled to Edinboro from King's Cross in bright sunshine as far as York, & then rain. In the carriage was a Scottish minister returning from Italy. We entered into conversation on Church questions. He seemed fairly hopeful of re–union with the U.F. Church, though himself plainly a very stiff advocate of the Establishment. I received a warm welcome from Principal Whyte. There dined here Mr Taylor–Innes, the author of the Law of Creeds in Scotland, with whom I had much talk. Apparently the results of the schism of the Wee Frees is in the Highlands very bad. There is a deficiency of ministers to serve the churches which have been handed over to the little church by the Parliamentary Commission: the quality of such ministers as are procurable is very unsatisfactory. Meanwhile the people have given up church–going, and are in danger of drifting out of religion. Astonishing fanaticism is reported from the Highlands e.g. the people are incited to swear with uplifted hand that in no circumstances will they enter an U.F. church! It appears to be very doubtful whether these fanaticks can use the property they have attained.

Issues and controversies: recognition of/reunion with non-episcopal churches