The Henson Journals

Sun 6 December 1908

Volume 16, Pages 401 to 402


2nd Sunday in Advent, December 6th, 1908.

A wet, dark morning, but not cold. There were 26 comts at S. Margt's, when I celebrated.

As Mattins drew near the weather became wetter & darker, & by 3 p.m. there was something approaching a fog. Consequently the congregations both in S. Margaret's & in the Abbey were very small. I preached twice on the Bible, and in both sermons made allusion to the break–down of the educational negotiations. Alfred Lyttelton & Thomas Shaw the Advocate General for Scotland were in S. Margaret's.

I attended Evensong in S. Margaret's. Hine–Haycock preached very nicely, giving an historical survey of the English Bible.

Kitty, Linetta, & Mary came to supper. Our talk grew more solemn than usual: & finally we were discussing the Atonement very solemnly.

Before Evensong an evil spirit entered into me, & I wrote a letter on 'The Representative Church Council' to the 'Westminster Gazette'.


Confirmation Candidates:–

1. Rosetta Annie Nichols.

Born Sept. 11th. 1891.

Baptized S. John's Church, Brixton.

2. Bridget Hole.

Born March 8th. 1891.

Baptized Rochester Cathedral.

3. Evelyn Elizabeth Bineham

Born April 10th 1892.

Baptized All Saints, Grosvenor Rd.

4. Jessie Marguerite Toler.

Born March 31st. 1891.

Baptized S. Michael's Paddington.

5. Marguerite Ada Higgs. born 16. July 1892. baptd in S. Margts.

6. Yvonne Edith Higgs. " 27. Aug 1894. "

S. Dartmouth St

7. Grace Huggon. born 1. July 1893. baptd in S. Margts.

18 Catherine St.

8. Alice Palmer. born July 1889. baptd Newnham on Severn.

272 Westminster Bridge Rd.

9. Edith Bosting (c/o Bridget Hole).

Issues and controversies: education bill