The Henson Journals

Fri 17 April 1908

Volume 16, Page 307


Good Friday, April 17th, 1908.

A brilliant morning but the east wind cutting through the sunshine like the sneer of a false friend. I went to S. Margaret's, and read the Ante–Communion Service. There were but 7 persons present.

At 11 a.m. there was a very small congregation, and a very long service. Mattins, Litany, Ante–Communion, & Sermon occupied almost exactly 2 hours. I preached on "The title on the Cross".

Bob Bineham walked with me to the 'Times' Office, where we left a précis of the morning's sermon. On our return we found Charles & Dorothy Parker in the Drawing Room.

At Evensong Knox preached a short sermon on the last Word from the Cross.