The Henson Journals

Sun 12 January 1908 to Tue 14 January 1908

Volume 16, Pages 274 to 276


1st Sunday after Epiphany, January 12th, 1908.

A bitter frost. Kennett preached at 10 a.m; a rather florid discourse urging recognition of Nonconformists and making the Anglican insistence on Episcopacy analogous to the Jewish–Christian insistence on circumcision – a very suggestive parallel, which brought rage & anguish to the orthodox minds of the minor–canons. Swallow preached in S. Margaret's, and thereafter came into lunch.

I preached an old sermon in the afternoon to a very large congregation. Afterwards I went to S. Margaret's, and baptized Audrey Margaret Hall, to whom also I stood God–father. Tommie & his wife & father, also her parents & sister came to tea, which was provided for them in the dining room.

Kennett preached an excellent sermon in S. Margaret's at 7 p.m. His sister–in–law & her son came in to supper.

[276] [sic]

Books read

  1. Maurice F. D. 'The Kingdom of Christ' 2 vols.
  2. Bousset. 'What is Religion?'
  3. Lord Acton. History of Freedom & other Essays.
  4. Campbell. Christianity & the Social Order.
  5. Manson. The Salvation Army & the Public
  6. Watson. The Scot in the 18th century.
  7. Bernard Lucas. The Empire of Christ.
  8. Ellison & Walpole. Church and Empire
  9. Du Bose. The Gospel in the Gospels
  10. Calamy 'My own Life 1671–1731'. 2 vols.
  11. Patrick. Autobiography
  12. Burnet. History of My Own Time
  13. The Programme of Modernism
  14. Sanday. Life of Christ in Modern Research.
  15. Clarke & Foxcroft. Life of Bishop Burnet.
  16. Jeremy Taylor. Liberty of Prophesying
  17. Birt. Elizabethan Settlement.
  18. Swete. Appearances of our Lord.
  19. Abbott. Silanus the Christian.
  20. Maurice. Criticism of Newman's Development.
  21. Webster. Primitive Secret Societies.


From Tuesday afternoon (Jany 14th) to Friday afternoon (Jany 17th) my time was mainly occupied with the meetings of the Sub–committee, & the Committee on Letters of Business. The Archdeacons of Exeter and Leicester stayed here: & we entertained various others daily at lunch.

We did not go very fast, nor was our progress wholly unchequered by sharp division. The groupings of the members are becoming plain:–

Low Churchmen Dean of Canterbury )
Dean of Peterboro ) 3
Canon Allen Edwards )
Broad Churchmen Dean of Winchester )
Dean of Lincoln )
Archdeacon of Winchester )
Chancellor Edmonds ) 7
Archdeacon of Worcester )
Canon Hensley Henson )
Archdeacon of Exeter )
Moderate High Chu Archdeacon of Leicester )
(x Episcopalians) Dean of Westminster )
x Archdeacon of Birmingham )
x Chancellor Worlledge )
x Archdeacon of Oxford )
x Canon Stanton )
x Canon Bartram ) 13
Archdeacon Bevan )
Prebendary Bolton )
x Canon Hammond )
Canon Deane )
Canon Durst )
Dean of Christ Church )
Ritualists Prebendary Villiers
Prebendary Ingram
Canon Johnston