The Henson Journals

Sun 3 November 1907

Volume 16, Page 257


23rd Sunday after Trinity, November 3rd, 1907.

A dull and dubious day tending to rain. I went to S. Margts at 8 a.m., and assisted Knox at the Celebration. There were 28 comts.

There was a large congregation at Mattins. In the Parltary seats I observed Butcher and Emmott. I preached on 2.Tim.iv.7.8, which came into the 2nd lesson. Afterwards I celebrated the Holy Communion. There were 99 commts.

Custard pleading illness: I had him round to the Rectory, & sent for Dr Troutbeck, who reported nothing seriously wrong: but ordered caution & some days in bed. So I released him from his duty at Evensong, & sent him home.

There was a large congregation at Evensong: and the service went as well as might be expected without the Organist. I preached an old sermon on 'The Probation of Saints' rather over the heads of the congregation.

Dennis Webster went off to Portsmouth.