The Henson Journals

Sun 11 August 1907 to Sun 18 August 1907

Volume 16, Pages 239 to 240


11th Sunday after Trinity, August 11th, 1907.

I helped Harold to dress, and sent him to S. Margaret's at 8 a.m.: but took no part in the service there myself, as I have to celebrate in the Abbey at 10 a.m.

There were very large congregations at 10 a.m., 3 p.m., and 7 p.m. Barnett preached well for the Children's Country Holiday Fund. I pleaded the same cause as best I could. The result of all was about £80.

The Bishop of Clogher preached at 7 p.m.: & afterwards came in to supper.

An American clergyman – Taylor – of New York came in to tea after service in the afternoon. He brought letters of introduction from the Bishop of Washington.

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I went to the House of Lords, & heard the first part of the Debate on the Scotch Land Bill. It was introduced by the Lord Chancellor in an able & persuasive but largely irrelevant speech. Lord Balfour of Burleigh opposed with vigour in a long & able speech, in which he certainly displayed complete mastery of the subject. For the Government, Lord Tweedmouth twaddled helplessly, and was followed by Lord Rosebery, whose speech will be long remembered. I was not a little surprised by the violence of his gestures.

On the 12th Sunday after Trinity, August 18th 1907, Inge preached excellently at 10 a.m.: I preached an old sermon on 'Christian Marriage' at 3 p.m.: and a Six–Preacher of Canterbury ranted at 7 p.m. Raleigh was in church both in the afternoon & in the evening, & came in to supper.

Issues and controversies: scottish land bill