The Henson Journals
Mon 31 December 1906
Volume 16, Page 166
New Year's Eve, December 31st, 1906.
My wife and I dined with the Lytteltons. General Lyttelton & his wife were the only other guests. Much conversation about politics.
Returning I wrote letters till the 'hora fatalis' approached.
Here ends a year which will not rank as a pleasant or profitable year. The futile & furious agitation stirred up by the Educational Bill, has filled the time. We come out at the finish without any result save an embitterment of temper, & a confusion of issues . Personally this year has not been advantageous. Kirshbaum's departure makes the parochial situation difficult, and I grow myself somewhat weary.
The only publication of the year has been "Religion in the Schools", and that has been a total failure. The British Public will have none of me, or my works.
My eldest brother's death has reduced the number of the 'table–round' of the family.
Issues and controversies: education bill