The Henson Journals

Mon 12 November 1906

Volume 16, Page 142


Monday, November 12th, 1906.

I returned to town by the morning train, arriving just in time for the Chapter meeting. Here Barnett advanced his wish for the large room, to be added to his house at the cost of the Chapter. I opposed and finally the project was defeated. Our new Canon does not impress me favourably. We also voted a general approval of the plan for restoring the Refectory of the Infirmary with the view of making it into a Common Hall.

Books bought:

  • Newcourt's Repertorium. 2 vols.

Presented by my Father in Law.

  • Sloane's Napoleon. 4 vols.

Presented by the Publishers.

  • Pfleiderer's Primitive Christianity vol. 1.
  • Alice Gardner's Letter to a Godchild.
  • Wood's "For Faith & Science"

Presented by the Author.

  • Burkitt's The Gospel Hist. & its transmission.