The Henson Journals

Wed 7 November 1906

Volume 16, Page 139


Wednesday, November 7th, 1906.


Walking on the Embankment in the afternoon I fell in with Woods, Master of the Temple, with whom I had some conversation. He, like most Broad Churchmen, of his type thinks 'something ought to be done', and accordingly speaks indulgently of the legislating aspirations of Convocation.

Lady Francis Balfour came to ask me whether I would permit a service in S. Margaret's in connection with the funeral of Mrs McLaren, the Patriarchess of the Suffragettes. I gave my consent stipulating that I should conduct the service without assistance from the latter!

I wrote a letter to the 'Times' headed 'The Meeting of Convocation', and criticizing the Bishop of Oxford's Charge. This only finished on the stroke of midnight.

Issues and controversies: female suffrage