The Henson Journals

Sun 15 April 1906 to Thu 19 April 1906

Volume 16, Pages 50 to 52


Easter Day, April 15th, 1906.

The most glorious weather still holds for the Feast: perhaps on that account the communicants are more than sixty fewer than last year. Kirshbaum celebrated at 7 a.m: I at 8 a.m: Blackmore at 11 a.m. The numbers at the several celebrations were:–

At 7 a.m. 33
8 120
11 178
Total. = 331

In the Abbey there were 97 cts at 8 a.m. and 235 at 10 a.m. a total of 332.

There was an immense congregation in the Abbey at 3 p.m. Col. FitzPatrick was present hard by Dryden's monument where he assured me he could hear nothing of the sermon save an occasional word. The Anthem – a solo by a boy, "I know that my Redeemer liveth" was excellently heard.

At Evensong in S. Margaret's there was a large congregation, in which I noticed Prof. Dicey. I preached an old sermon which was very well listened to.


[Whole page taken up with a plan, drawn in pen, of part of Westminster Abbey indicating the position of Dryden's monument, poet's corner, the lectern, Altar, choir, and pulpit with an arrow projecting the preacher's voice].

[52] [symbol]

On Tuesday, the 17th April, I left Euston at 10 a.m. and travelled to Glasgow, arriving in good time for dinner. The Principal, with whom I stayed, entertained the hon. Graduands at dinner. After which there was a Conversazione in the Bute Hall, which I attended. The next day, Wednesday, the 18th April, I was duly "capped" as a D.D. In the afternoon I called on Ker, & met his father & sisters: then returned to the University & attended a function in which the Principal's portrait was presented to the University. He acknowledged the gift in an effective speech, delivered in a sitting posture. Finally there was a Banquet in the Bute Hall, in which I had to return thanks for the toast of the new D.Ds. Then I returned to the House, changed into ordinary clothes, & came away by the night train. I had taken a sleeping berth, & passed the night more comfortably than might have been expected, arriving in Euston a few minutes after 7 a.m.