The Henson Journals

Sun 4 March 1906

Volume 16, Page 31


1st Sunday in Lent, March 4th, 1906.

A beautiful bright morning. I celebrated at 8 a.m. There were 54 communicants.

At Mattins the congregation was disappointing. Perhaps the Bishop of London at the Chapel Royal drew off the members. In any case, there was but a poor show in the Parliamentary Seats. Lord St Aldyn & his wife were in the Speaker's Seat: & Victor Cavendish: besides these I recognised no others. Blackmore celebrated after Mattins: there were 79 comts; making a total of 133 for the day.

After lunch I went to Bethnal Green, and preached to a considerable company of men in Watts–Ditchfield's Church. The Abp. of Canterbury was preaching in the Excelsior Hall hard by.

At Evensong there was a large congregation but a small collection. I preached on "Christian Preaching": and, after the service, spoke on "Personal Religion".

Lord Lytton came to see me at 9 p.m. & talked over Education for an hour.