The Henson Journals

Sun 15 October 1905 to Fri 20 October 1905

Volume 15, Pages 449 to 450


17th Sunday after Trinity, October 15th, 1905.

A dull, windy day threatening rain. I celebrated at 8 a.m. Among the communicants was Reichel, who came in to breakfast.

Congregations were unsatisfactory both at Mattins and at Evensong. The evening turned out wet, & this may explain the latter, but the morning remains unexplained. I was told that it was "Temperance Sunday", & – as it is fairly well known that I ignore all "fancy calendars" – it is possible that there was a secession to S. John's, where the Archdeacon preached twice.

Waddell, Gage, & Dick Rosser came in to supper.


I attended the consecration of Dr Chase as the new Bishop of Ely on S. Luke's day. The Master of Trinity preached a fine sermon.

On Friday, the 20th Oct: 1905, Sir Henry Irving was buried in Poet's Corner, with much ceremony. The Dean emerged at the beginning & at the ending of the service. The Sub-Dean read the Lesson & the Committal; & the Archdeacon read the concluding prayers. When the procession was returning, & the ‘Dead March' had just ceased on the organ, there was heard a cry of some Fanatical Anti-Dramatist, "Whatever a man soweth that shall he also reap".

This is the anniversary of my marriage. Three years have passed since in the Abbey I took that gravest of all decisive acts, & am still wondering dismally whether it was for me in any respect a legitimate action.

Note:- My wife went off again to Scotland on the 19th October.