The Henson Journals

Sun 17 May 1903

Volume 15, Page 188


5th Sunday after Easter, May 17th, 1903.

I celebrated at 8 a.m. There were 45 commts, nearly all women. There was an immense congregation at 11 a.m., when the Bp. of London preached on behalf of his Fund. The Offertory = £115.19.5. The Bishop lunched here afterwards. After lunch I had a little conversation with him privately as to the proceedings in Convocation. Knox Little had been giving his own account: & the Bishop seemed surprised to learn that he & not I was responsible for bringing the subject of the Virgin-Birth before the Convocation. I made the Bishop read my record of the proceedings. He told ^ me ^ that he was himself opposed to a declaration, that Gore was pressing for one, that the Abp. was opposed, that the whole subject was to be discussed again in July.

Alan Henderson took me for a walk up the Embankment & back. It rained & thundered intermittently all the afternoon. At Evensong, I preached to a congregation visibly thinned by the weather.

Lyster Jandron & Dick Rosser came to supper.

Issues and controversies: virgin birth