The Henson Journals

Thu 15 January 1903

Volume 15, Pages 149 to 151


Thursday, January 15th, 1903


Today I received a letter asking me to contribute to the Hibbert Journal an article on the Resurrection. It is professional suicide to do it, but, none the less, do it I probably shall.

The choir men of S. Margaret's dined here – all except Henry. Custard, Ellison, Horniman, Montague Smith, & the 3 assistant clergy made up the rest of my guests. In all a party of 15. I think they enjoyed themselves.


Confirmation Candidates.

[symbol] Earnest Harry Fontaine born 24th May 1889
Albert Joseph Clarke " 26th May 1888
[symbol] Robert Henry Ward Stephens " 30th April 1887
[symbol] Albert Evelyn Parkhouse " 24th Nov: 1888
[symbol] Edwin Harold Saxton " 2 Feb: 1888
[symbol] Harold Wilfrid Knowling " 19: May 1888
Arthur Nicholas Henry " 21: June 1889
[symbol] George William Silvester White " 2nd Jan. 1888
James Sinstadt " 9 May 1888
Charles Francis Henry " 16 Sept: 1887
[symbol] William John Deasley " 5th July 1887
[symbol] George Rudge " 31st March 1886
[symbol] George Voysey Brooks " 3 Feb 1888
[symbol] Fred. Alfred Tisdell " 26 July 1887
[symbol] Sydney John Gibbs " 17 April 1887
[symbol] Alexander Douglas Henry Ross " 5 Dec. 1887
Frederick James Brice " 18 March 1888


Subjects of Class

[symbol] What Confirmation means [January 19]
[symbol] Religion [January 26]
[symbol] The Bible - Old Testament [Feb: 2]
[symbol] The Bible - New Testament [Feb: 9]
[symbol] The Church [Feb: 16]
[symbol] The Church [Feb: 23rd]
[symbol] The Ministry [March 2nd]
[symbol] The Creed [March 9th]
[symbol] The Lord's Day [March 16]}
Prayer & Worship [March 23]}
Holy Communion [March 30]} after Conf
Holy Communion

[April 6]}

after Conf