The Henson Journals

Sun 7 December 1902

Volume 15, Page 139


2nd Sunday in Advent, December 7th,1902.

The Dean being absent I celebrated at the 10 a.m. service, as well as preached. There was but a poor congregation which included the Bishop of Winchester. Afterwards I went to the vestry of S. Margaret's, and held a meeting of the Choir, the Churchwardens being also present. I laid down this rule for the boys:-

That no choir-boy must accept invitations, or receive presents from strangers without a written permission from his father countersigned by the Rector.

In the afternoon at the Abbey, there was a large, but not, I thought, very large congregation. I preached for 35 minutes, not very comfortably as my voice was weak. The Bishop of Exeter & Mrs Ryle were present, and afterwards came to tea. At Evensong, I preached in S. Margaret's, and afterwards gave a short address on the Bible. Dick Rosser came in to supper.