The Henson Journals

Sun 25 May 1902

Volume 15, Pages 85 to 87


Trinity Sunday, May 25th, 1902.

Fifteen years today since my Ordination in Cuddesdon parish church. I caught a chill on Friday evening, which reduced me to utter helplessness yesterday, and makes me wonder whether I can preach the sermons today. The doctor has just called, and clearly thinks me an odd, wilful creature: but I cannot bring myself to abandon my pulpit today, for this anniversary carries more to me than most. There was a large congregation, and I succeeded in making myself heard, though the exertion was great.


O Saviour Christ Who hast sent me to preach in Thy Name to these people, have mercy on my weakness and forgive my sin. Make me able to fulfil this great task to which Thou hast deigned to call me. Apart from Thee, I can do nothing: Thou alone canst make me fit to do Thy work. Fulfil, O dear Master, Thine own kind promise, and give me Thy Holy Spirit to inspire and control my ministry. Pour into my heart an ardent love of Thee; make Thy Presence felt within Me; and, through the words spoken in Thy Name, come near in saving power to Thy people. Take away from me, O Saviour, every thought which exalts self and obscures Thy message. Quicken my affections and increase my faith. Grant my prayer for Thy tender mercy's sake.


The annual Dinner for the Voluntary Choir of Westminster Abbey to be catered for by Messrs Withers, Englefield & Co. Baker Street, W.