The Henson Journals

Wed 7 August 1901

Volume 150, Page 1


^ [Itinerary originally intended to follow entry 10 June 1901] ^

1 Wed. Aug. 7. Harwich to the Hague
2 Thur. " 8. The Hague
3 Friday " 9. Amsterdam
4 Sat " 10. " " [wrote to Carissima]1
5 Sunday 11. Amsterdam to Utrecht
6 Mon 12. Utrecht to Bremen
7 Tues 13. Bremen to Hamburg
8 Wed 14. Expedition to Lubeck fr Hamburg & return
9 Thurs 15. Hamburg [wrote to Carissima]2
10 Fri 16. Hamburg to Copenhagen [wrote to Podge]
11 Sat 17. Copenhagen
12 Sunday 18. " "
13 Mon 19. Copenhagen to Gothenberg [wrote to Carissima]3
14 Tues 20. } Gothenberg [wrote to Raleigh] [wrote to Podge]
15 Wed 21. } [wrote to Carissima]4
16 Thurs 22. } Gothenberg to Stockholm
17 Fri 23.
18 Sat 24. } Stockholm [wrote to Carissima]5
19 Sunday 25 } " " [wrote to Podge]
20 Mon 26 } " "
21 Tues 27. } " " [wrote to Carissima]6
22 Wed 28. } " "
23 Thurs 29. } " " [wrote to Podge]
24 Fri 30. } " "
25 Sat 31. } " "
26 Sun 1. } " " [wrote to Carissima]7
27 Mon 2. } " "
28 Tues 3. " " to Maluő
29 Wed 4. " " to Copenhagen
30 Thurs 5. " " to Hamburg
31 Friday 6. " " to Westminster

Wednesday, August 7th, 1901.

Mr Nicholson came to me about a memorial service for Mr Beach, "the Father of the House" next Friday. I made the arrangements & then made a start of my holiday. Carissima & Reichel were with me. The boat train was inconveniently crowded, and the steamer as full as it cd hold. Reichel provided a mystic draught for me, & for himself warranted a sure prophylactic against sea–sickness. We retired to our cabins, & did not sleep, & were not sick. So we reached the Hook of Holland in pleased, if not arrogant mood. On the platform we parted company, Carissima going in the direction of Cologne, me in that of the Hague & Amsterdam.