The Henson Journals

Mon 1 October 1900

Volume 14, Page 398


Monday, October 1st, 1900

I travelled to Worcester in order to read a paper on 'the Hist= of the Pastoral Ideal in the English Church' to the clergy. I lunched with Dean Forrest, a stately rather pompous dignitary, who showed me much courtesy. The Deanery is a splendid building – full of interest. The bulk of it is 14th century. It was a Bishop's palace until 1841. The Dean showed me his house, and the Cathedral with much pride. There was but a meagre muster of clergy in the Chapter house. I attended Evensong. The Dean thanked me for "Church Problems": &, in conversation, said he wished the Govt wd send me to Westminster. So do I.: but I might as well wish for the moon. I left Worcester about 5.30 p.m. & reached Ilford shortly after 11 p.m.